“I realize that we’re not going to experience freedom, deep connection, and true passion in life byhiding who we are and the change we’re here to make in the world.”-Olga Pontes (10:41-10:51)
Malorie Nicole Abundantly Clear You are programmed with inner creativity that can change the world. It’s driving you crazy. You feel angsty all the time like a high school teenager and hungry like a starving artist.You feel something creative growing and struggling to be unleashed from deep inside you.
But you may feel scared to leave your nine to five job and figure it all out. Olga Pontes felt the same. Before Olga decided to create her branding businessBranding Collective, she was a Plant Cell Biologist. Hours were spent tucked deep in a lab that provided a fantastic income, but little fulfillment to her soul.
Olga enjoyed science but always had a passion for the arts. So, when she neglected self-care and expressing herself creatively, it came as no surprise that her mental health started spiraling downhill. The anxiety and panic attacks were the final indicators that Olga was quickly in need of a different outlet for creative expression. She quit the world of academia, returned to the arts as a Brand Designer and Strategist,and rediscovered something deep within her she had presumed was lost.
Now, Olga aims to help clients like you find freedom in creatively expressing themselves fully through the art of branding. She believes the key to success is unleashing your creativity through positive mindset work.
“So often anxiety is the suppressed emotion or creativity that we don’t know how to let out.”-Malorie Nicole(8:06-8:15)