April 2, 2019

3 Tips to a Successful Mindset – Online Business Owner

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Everyone wants to start an online business. It’s the dream, right? Of course it is, and the key is having a successful mindset for the growth of your online business.

I absolutely love my business, and have implemented simple action into so many ideas to make it what it is today. Now I make consistent money every single month doing what I love, and helping people daily. There’s a few things I know would have made it easier getting started, and those are the three tips I’m about to share with you.

It’s my assumption that you’re looking for inspiration and direction to help you take action. Basically, you don’t just want to read, you want to DO the thing, which requires a foundational mindset for success. Without a successful mindset, the DO-ing doesn’t get very far.

You heard that right, without a successful mindset, the DO-ing doesn’t get very far. I used to think of myself as someone selling something, not anymore.

A growth mindset in business, is the simple way to make your dream life a reality. When I started fully showing up, my bank account also started growing. leadership and business growth go HAND IN HAND. 



Here are three mindset shifts + actionable steps to help you create a successful business.




1: Understand Your Value.

I mean really, understand and see what it is that you’re offering to the world. What are you helping your clients with? If they don’t hire you, what happens? What do they lose out on? Really identify what changes in their life when they decide to pay you for your services. Many entrepreneurs struggle with seeing the whole package. They charge minimum prices, and end up treating themselves like a slave instead of a successful business owner. [If you’re currently doing this, here’s a solution] They put in an overwhelming amount of hours into their business, because their relationship with money, and seeing the value they offer gets in the way.


Mindset plays a massive role in your business success. Understand your value from day #1, so that you can take care of yourself in the business that you’re creating. If you value your services, you’ll be able to deliver in a much more powerful way, which means you can help more people. If you think you’re charging too low, or you’re scared to show up it’s time to explore this. Every business owner needs to understand their value, it’s vital for long term success and being able to truly offer your services in the highest delivery.


2: Show up Every Day, Dedicated.

Whatever platform you’re on, show up and do not hide. It could be Facebook, Instagram, your email list, (This one is my favorite!) an incredible blog you’ve created, wherever you go, do it with your whole heart. Don’t shy away, don’t hold back, share what you want to share and do it consistently. Successful business owners have days and weeks where they would rather be doing other things, but they don’t let those days define them.

I’m not one for hustle, I don’t think you need to work 15 hours a day to have a successful business, but I do believe your mindset when things get “tough” and the action you take through those periods, is pivotal for your success.

Which takes me to this key thought, is always going back to your WHY. Knowing WHY you show up, (it’s not about you, it’s about the people you can help) will keep you dedicated to the process.


3: Make Time for Your Personal Growth.

Every successful business owner I know, makes time for this. Again, your growth = business growth. My personal suggestion, work to heal any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back, specifically around money and finances. Entrepreneurs ALL go through the motions of understanding money in a way they may have never experienced before. It’s not the same as having a job and a biweekly paycheck. You’re charging for your services, you’re establishing a new level of trust in what it means to show up to your business and deliver, the limiting beliefs are BOUND to show up.

The mindset blocks are the thing that will get in the way of the business growth, which ultimately means mindset blocks prevent you from sharing your gift with the world and helping others. This means all the limiting beliefs have to GO! Which is why I created the course to help those that aren’t yet ready for a 1:1 coach! Know this, your growth never stops, it’s a lifelong journey, you will never be perfect but as long as you’re committed to living every day as the highest version of you possible (and release the judgement when you fall off track) you’ll allow yourself to do great things. Again if you want to work further on this, I suggest checking this course out, it’s a ridiculously reasonable price for the transformation you’ll receive.



Alright business owners, like we talked about, you’re not here to mindlessly scroll, it’s time to share your genius with the world, how are you going to implement these tips into your life?



Till next time!











Hey, I’m Malorie.

I work with leaders to drive strategic growth,  pushing their businesses ahead while fostering a well-balanced and aligned personal life.

Success isn't cookie cutter and neither is my approach to coaching.

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